C/6 Soda Firing @ RCS
Location: Rat City Studios: 2410 SW 106th Street, Seattle, WA 98146
Upcoming Soda-Firings:
October :
Saturday, Nov 2nd Share & Pick up 11am
Postponed to February: (Purchase Shares)
Due to a gas line issue, this firing is postponed.
We have a repair person coming Jan 9th. Firing in Feb TBD
Monday, 3rd 9pm, Last availability to drop off pots at RCS
Tuesday, 4th Load 9am (loading crew)
Wednesday, 5th Fire and introduce soda
Saturday 8th, unload 9am-11am (loading crew)
Saturday 8th, Everyone Share & Pick up 11am
All participants MUST Schedule a “15-minute Check-In” to have their pots measured
Please read this page before registering. Refund Policy.
How Many Pots to Bring?
Workshop Participants may purchase space by “shares” or by a 1/2 cubic foot of space. All participants MUST Schedule a “15-minute Check-In” to have their pots measured (Read about allotted kiln space)
PAID SHARE = $55 and is 1/2 cu ft of space + two hours of glazing time at RCS. This does not include instruction. Please watch the presentation on Clay Q&A before you come to glaze your ceramics.
HELPER SHARE = Participants who commit to help with both loading & unloading/ cleaning will get one share in the kiln as a bonus for the extra investment. This is something new we are trying. Helper shares will be offered on a first-come, first-offered basis. If you are interested please fill out this form. (more information)
Before the Workshop
Join Clay Q&A: (online app/ platform).
Clay Q&A is our online information-sharing platform.
Watch the recorded image presentation to prepare to glaze
This platform is available for people, even if you are not in the workshopEach participant must schedule a 15-minute Check-in for Measurement of pots at RCS with staff.
Please fill the space you purchase! No more no less. If you bring extra, please be ready to purchase more space in the kiln if it is available. There are NO refunds if you do not bring the amount of pots you commit to bring. If you bring extra, these need to be labeled as such. If there is extra room in the kiln we will add them at the end.Glazing hours
Participants receive 2 hours of time to glaze and wad their pots at RCS with each 1/2 cu ft of space purchased. You are also welcome to wax, glaze, or prepare at home.
Required: Scheduling “Check-In”
Book your check-in time using our scheduler. Join Clay Q&A to schedule online:
All independent glazers MUST schedule a “15-minute Check-In at RCS” to have their pots measured and you must also schedule your hours to come and glaze.
Check-in before glazing your pots to avoid chipping your glaze.
Check-in involves measuring your pots on our 1/2 Cubic Foot Share Box and recording/labeling any extras you bring.
15-minute check-in & Guided Glazing Hours for Firing
September Firing
Fri, Sept 20th from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Sun, Sept. 21st from 10am-12pm
Wed, Sept. 25th, 10:00am-3:00pm
Thurs, Sept. 26th, 11am-5pm (Last Day to Glaze)
October Firing
Fri, Oct 25th from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Sun, Oct. 27th, 12:00am-3:00pm
Mon, Oct. 28th, 11am-5pm (Last Day to Glaze)
Option #1: Guided Glazing
(See hours above)
Once you are checked-in you may stay and glaze with instruction during specific hours.
Please use our scheduler to book guided glazing hours at RCS.
Please watch the recorded presentation before coming to glaze and wadd your ceramics.
RCS has a great assortment of glazes, two flashing slips, colorant washes (iron, rutile, copper, cobalt) & wax resist for you to use. The presentation has lots of info on these.
Option #2: Glazing without instruction
(9am-9pm most days).
Once you are “checked-in” you may glaze independently.
Please use the scheduler to book independent glazing hours at RCS.
Please watch the recorded presentation before coming to glaze and wadd your ceramics.
This option is for people who have participated in at least two firings and can operate in the studio without help. Independent glazing may happen during business hours at RCS
RCS will supply:
recorded presentation
glazes, flashing slip, washes, wax resist
wadding and glue
kiln wash, kiln, and kiln-firing over a full night and day
shelf cleaning tools
shared results on clean-up day
webpage with results for future access
What to Bring:
Sketchbook or note-taking supplies
Brushes, glazing tools, sponges, brushes, banding wheel
Bisqueware: Allotted Pots, no larger than 15” in any direction.
Make sure your artwork is ready to glaze or partially glazed.Packing materials to bring your finished artwork home
Bring a mask to help clean the shelves on the last day
Optional* Glazes, Underglazes for personal use
Loading the kiln
Loading Day! Deb will load the soda kiln with the RCS Loading Crew
(designated ahead of time via the form at the top of this page).
The kiln is fired over night after loading. In the morning the kiln will be near body reduction. This is just an estimate and will be revealed as we fire. The beginning of the firing is slow and participants are invited to help introduce soda into the kiln! The soda solution is added to the kiln at peak temperature (hopefully around 1pm-3pm on firing day > this is TBD).
Firing the kiln:
Firing the kiln will take 12+ hours. It is checked every 30-60 minutes. The results will be logged online so you can follow along if you’d like to.
Introducing the Soda Solution:
To participate this portion of the workshop, you must wear long, non-flammable pants (blue jeans), closed-toed shoes (preferably a boot), and your hair up and back. You will be around extreme heat. You will consistently be taking off and putting on gloves.
Sharing and Pick-up
Unloading and cleaning up:
Deb & the RCS Kiln Crew will unload and place all the artwork on tables. The workshop participants are welcome to come see all the results at the designated time (see times at the top of the page).
Be sure to bring plenty of packing material, as well as, boxes and/or totes to nest your finished pieces into after share time. And now, The workshop is complete!