C/6 Matte Glaze Resource:
Glaze Bases
Image Galleries
Search this gallery of cone six glaze test tiles by selecting from the base names to your right or by selecting from the tag list of hue, colorant, surface quality or opacity. Recipe details should hover over the image in a caption when the cursor is moved over the image. In a month or so there will be another page added with written details on each glaze test.
Shiny Glaze Gallery
Matte Glaze Gallery
Making a test tile
Use this dropdown archive to search within the matte glaze gallery by hue, colorant, opacity, or surface characteristic.
Color/ Surface
- Base Glaze
- Black
- Blue
- Brown
- Chartruese
- Chrome
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Crawling
- Cream
- Dry-matte
- Green
- Grey
- High-gloss
- Iron Oxide
- Light Tan
- Matte
- Nickel
- Off White
- Opaque
- Pink
- Red
- Rust
- Semi-glossy
- Semi-matte
- Semi-opaque
- Semi-transparent
- Speckled
- Stain
- Transparent
- Turquoise
- White
- Yellow
- Zircopax
- green
- matte
- opaque